CPS 140, Fall 2020

This GitHub project page is where I will display all of my work for CPS 140, starting on October 4, 2020.

The real reason why this project page exists is because I got irked at Blackboard, after it refused to upload my CSS file for Week 04 as an individual file (since BB mistakenly claimed the CSS file was a security risk — I mean c'mon, this is an Intro to HMTL college class, not a cybersecurity/penetration testing college class!). So, I made a GitHub project page as a way to turn in my weekly assignments, instead of using Blackboard to individually upload each HTML/CSS file.

(Maybe the people at Blackboard could actually learn a hint of what cybersecurity is by watching Mr. Robot...)

Week 01: No assignment, but there are Week 01 Notes

Week 02 and Week 02 Notes

Week 03 and Week 03 Notes

Week 04 and Week 04 Notes

Week 05 (No JavaJam) and Week 05 Notes

Week 06 and Week 06 Notes

Week 07 and Week 07 Notes

Week 08 and Week 08 Notes

Week 09 and Week 09 Notes

Week 10 (No JavaJam) and Week 10 Notes

Week 11 and Week 11 Notes

Week 12 (We skipped JavaJam, but I did it anyways) and Week 12 Notes

Week 13 and Week 13 Notes

Week 14 and Week 14 Notes