Week 1 - Notes


There was no HTML coding during Week 1, since learning how to write basic HTML and the JavaJam assignment did not start yet.


Originally, I was going to write down a bunch of defintions, but then I changed my mind (since you can read the textbook for those terms, and the "real world" cares more about how you can design a website rather than if you can remember a word by word defintion of DNS or some other term).

Also, I was originally going to cheese my way through the notes for each chapter by writing them in Markdown, but then I realized that is not what we learned in the HTML class. So, I ditched the Markdown in order to stay within the spirit of HTML.


There is a lot of reading but no "programming" in this chapter. I see this as a very good basis for teaching high school classes. (What should be taught, instead of Microsoft Word and Excel, which change their GUIs every year for no reason.)

Also, CERN is involved with the formation of the Internet. (I guess it's not that surprising in retrospect, considering that some poeple from CERN helped to create ProtonMail.)

Lastly, the history shows that the Internet usage did not skyrocket until businesses were allowed on the Internet... I guess we now know why the Internet today is so messed up due to Facebook and ads everywhere.

Ultimately, there is a lot of information that is good to read once but not necessarily memorize. It definitely gives you a crash course overview of all things Internet related. Any one of these could be expanded into its own respective course or fields of study (cybersecurity, media and Internet literacy, and many more).

This chapter basically serves as a source of sheer information that could be pulled for the weekly quiz, though it really does get the point around that "the Internet" is simply some other person's or other people's computer(s).